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Centro de Desarrollo Socio Educativo Dr. Lucas Cruz Ocasio

La Moca Socio-Educational Development Center (CDSEM), is an option for any individual or parent who lacks educational tools and/or resources to meet their academic challenges. It will provide the community with a low-cost space with access to computers, books, educational resources and volunteering.  The project is aimed at impacting low-income communities far from the urban area of the municipality of Peñuelas, which includes nearby communities of the municipalities of Adjuntas and Ponce.

In its beginnings, the center was built with funds from the Fundación Ángel  Ramos.  Ponce NHS, continued to identify funds, so individuals and organizations such as Mr. Melvin Córdova, Banco Santander, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Rafael, Ecoeléctrica Natural Gas Power Plant, NeighborWorks America joined this initiative and contributed computers, solar panels, human resources, among other resources. Currently, the funds acquired for the continuity of services come from Empresas Fonalledas and its Fundación Plaza del Caribe.


The center has an Office Trailer of 40 x 12 feet, it has air conditioning, 12 computers, printer, Internet and solar panels. Ponce NHS will provide community residents with a space to print  homework, educate themselves  through digital platforms, and meet the need to acquire school materials._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In addition, the participants will be able to benefit from a conference room, which will be used to offer workshops and educational talks. On the other hand, education will be offered to parents and students, on the management of virtual platforms, for an effective management of education in remote format.


The activities of the Moca Socio-educational Center project contribute to meeting the needs for the effectiveness of distance education. The proposed activities and services are intended to serve the student, parents and educational professional to receive free training on digital platforms to take online classes. Similarly, they will be given printed instructions on the use and/or tutorial on the use of digital platforms. Learning reinforcement will be carried out through virtual workshops for the community so that students, parents and teachers can access and communicate effectively.


Offering an accessible space with free Internet service

Access to technological equipment and educational material for Bo residents. Tallaboa Alta and adjacent

Offering training aimed at promoting social and community education 

Offering workshops aimed at managing platforms and educational programs 

Assistance to parents, children and young people with homework

Accessibility for printing documents and educational material 


Ubicado en la antigua Esc. Elemental del Bo. Tallaboa Alta en Peñuelas en los horarios de 8:00am a 5:00pm.

  • Los servicios que ofrece son:

    • Copias

    • Asistencia con tareas escolares

    • Servicios dirigidos a la colocación en el empleo

    • Gestiones en línea

    •  Adiestramientos para niños, jóvenes y adultos

¿Deseas contribuir a las comunidades puertorriqueñas?

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